Tate, Nikki

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beyond cake and ice cream
"Illustrated with color photographs, this book covers the history of modern celebrations and discusses the many birthday traditions around the world"--Publisher provided.

Deep roots

Explores the many ways that trees help to keep the planet and people healthy.

Take shelter

at home around the world
Looks at various types of dwellings people from around the world live in, including tree houses, caves, and boats.

Grandparents' Day

Omi, a nonconformist grandmother who lives on a sailboat, cuts her own hair, and collects dead bugs, is sure to be an embarrassment at grandparents' day, or so her grandson thinks, but Omi just may surprise everyone.

Tarragon island

Twelve-year-old aspiring writer Heather Blake is miserable about having to move from Toronto to Tarragon Island, but she soon learns that there are things more worthy of her concern than having to leave her favorite bookstore behind.

Jo's triumph

Young Joselyn escapes from the Carson City Home for Unfortunate Girls, joins the Pony Express disguised as a boy, and is blackmailed by one of the other riders when he learns her secret.

Double take

Karen Brain's Olympic journey
A biography of Karen Brain, whose dreams of being an Olympic equestrian rider were shattered after her horse fell on top of her during a training session, paralyzing her from the waist down, but went on to win two bronze metals from competing at the 2004 Athens Paralympic games.

Jo's journey

Fourteen-year-old Jo is determined to follow her dream of finding gold in the Cariboo.


Spencer is sure someone is doping the racehorses at the stable where he works, but no one will listen to him until he gets some proof.

Razor's edge

Travis and his friends, who enjoy hanging out at the horse track, find their hobby becoming unpleasant when someone begins cutting the tails off the horses and see their friendships falling apart with the arrival of a troubled girl.


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