Orca soundings

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Death Wind

When Allie fears she is pregnant, she leaves home with Razz, a skateboard champion.Returning home she is caught up in a tornado that threatrens to destroy everyting.She learns to believe in herself and face her furture.

A reventar

Ian, inspired by a documentary on fast food, starts an online boycott of Frankie's fast food restaurants that multiplies to the extent that it attracts the attention of the company's lawyers and eventually forces the chain to add healthy choices to its menu.

A punta de cuchillo

Jill's summer job, guiding tourists on mountain trail rides, turns out to be troublesome and potentially life threatening when she takes a man into the mountains only to find out that he is a dangerous killer.

El qu?e dir?an

When Jujube finds herself the butt of cruel jokes that are ruining her reputation, she decides to fight back.

El sopl?on

After his best friend snitches on him, Josh must learn to control his anger.


Beverly, who desperately wishes to both lose weight and learn how to dive, helps her uncle at his dive shop in Hawaii, and when she meets Garth, an experienced diver who seems interested in her, she initially becomes excited, quickly learning that Garth is only interested in one thing.

Al l?imite

When Wally and Philip, two friends who love to skateboard, see a professional skateboarder who videotapes himself for a website, they attempt to do the same to make money, and as their site becomes more popular, they begin to attempt more dangerous stunts.


Julie, tired of being bullied and not fitting in, gets a chance for revenge when her brother captures her chief tormentor, Dana, in a compromising position, but she learns that getting even does not feel as good as she thought it would.

Los pandemonium

Jeremy must balance his school life with the demands of playing in a successful band in a local bar.

La otra vida de Caz

Caz is forced to take a long hard look at her actions when one of her classmates, a girl who was constantly bullied or ignored, commits suicide.


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