
Topical Term

Prison and the penal system

An overview of the criminal justice system in the United States that reviews the history of prisons and the penal system from the beginning of the seventeenth century to the early twenty-first, and discusses methods of punishment; local, state, and federal prisons; alternative sentencing, and related topics.

On the run

fugitive life in an American city
Describes how the Philadelphia police's use of arrest warrants, high-tech surveillance, and questioning of family, friends, and employers in the pursuit of suspects has demoralized poor neighborhods in the city and has a negative impact on all of the residents in these areas.

Mr. Smith goes to prison

what my year behind bars taught me about America's prison crisis

The politics of cruelty

an essay on the literature of political imprisonment
Pt. 1. The Mechanism. 1. Solzhenitsyn and the Creation of the Gulag. 2. The Nazi Camp System. 3. Henri Alleg and Colonialism in Algeria. 4. The British in Ireland. 5. The Apartheid System in South Africa -- Pt. 2. The Imagination. 6. Photography: The Experience of Shock. 7. Closet Land: State and Sexual Authority. 8. The Extreme Experience of Solitude: Aurobindo, Ngugi, Nien Cheng -- Pt. 3. Recent Politics of Cruelty in Action. 9. The Little School: Argentina and Brazil. 10. The Death of a Guatemalan Village. El Salvador. 11. State Torture and Religion. The Torture of Children. 12. Conclusion.

The perpetual prisoner machine

how America profits from crime
Examines the reasons why the prison system in the United States is expanding while crime rates are falling, and presents evidence to support the author's contention that a political and economic chain reaction is largely responsible for the majority of the growth in the prison and jail population since the 1970's.

World's scariest prisons

Examines twenty prisons from around the world and includes descriptions of living conditions, information on famous prisoners, and facts about when the prisons were in operation and what types of prisoners were held at each facility.

Weeping in the playtime of others

America's incarcerated children
The author describes physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, torture, and commercial exploitation of children and youths ages five to sixteen--including not only young people who have committed crimes but runaways and children with mental disabilities--in correctional facilities he visited in thirty states between 1972 and 1975.

Imprisonment in America

choosing the future

Mama loves me from away

When a mother and daughter are separated by the mother's incarceration, they find a special way to keep their loving relationship alive.

My years in a Pakistani prison

the untold story of Kishorilal alias Amarik Singh alias Saleem, an Indian spy in Pakistan
Autobiographical reminiscences of the Indian spy.


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