armed forces

Geographic Name
armed forces

The soldiers' night before Christmas

A variation of the familiar Christmas poem in which Sergeant McClaus and an envoy of eight Humvees bring holiday gifts and cheer to soldiers stationed far from home.

H is for honor

a military family alphabet
Presents a children's A to Z alphabet book on military families, explaining experiences of military children, the different branches, and other related topics.

First command

paths to leadership
Profiles the early leadership roles of great American military leaders including George Washington, Robert E. Lee, Ulysses S. Grant, John Pershing, and George Patton describing their backgrounds and the challenges they faced.

When I was a soldier

a memoir
Presents the memoirs of Valerie Zenatti, who at eighteen, enlisted in the Israeli army, endured harsh conditions and surroundings, and participated in top secret missions for the Israeli Secret Service, and describes her French-Jewish heritage and personal struggles.

Beyond the Medal

a journey from their hearts to yours
Presents the personal reflections and poems of over ninety recipients of the Congressional Medal of Honor in which they share their feelings about their families, faith, and country, with brief accounts of how each man came to be awarded the medal for valor in action against an enemy force.

The U.S. military

defending the nation
Looks at the types of work done by the U.S. Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard, discusses the training recruits get and the gear and vehicles they use, and considers the benefits of a military career.

Weapons of war

Describes weapons currently used by the United States military forces, focusing on those used in the Persian Gulf War.

The military

defending the nation
Surveys the military's role in the history of the United States and discusses how the military works, what it does in peace and war, the chain of command, the draft, the Pentagon, and other related topics.

Weird-but-true facts about the U.S. military

Text and illustrations look at different facts about the United States military for children.


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