
Topical Term

Mother Goose picture puzzles

Nursery rhymes are presented in the form of rebuses.

My little pony

ponies on ice
Triple Treat helps Pinkie Pie practice a trick for an ice-skating party.

The best Christmas hunt ever

Rebuses based on Christmas themes, with answers included.

Front-page news

Sasha must find a way to complete her task and keep her identity a secret after Pablo, the new editor-in-chief of the newspaper, asks her to take pictures of the superheroes in action for the newspaper.


A rebus reader about different types of jellyfish, featuring photographs and a picture key.

Sea horses

Simple text and rebuses introduce readers to sea horses.

The big snowball

A rebus story in which a young boy's snowball is blown away by a gusty wind and ends up in a very surprising place.
Cover image of The big snowball

Play with Max and Ruby

Introduces the numbers one through ten as Max finally trades all his toys for his sister's doll.

Calling all cats

Presents a children's book for early readers that introduces simple words, pictures, and text about a dog who thinks he is a cat.
Cover image of Calling all cats

The best Halloween hunt ever

Rebus sentences prompt readers to find hidden pumpkins, spiders, bats, and other Halloween objects at school, in the pumpkin patch, and all around the town.
Cover image of The best Halloween hunt ever


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