Animals of the rain forest

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Did you know that there are at least 17 different species of macaws? The largest, the hyacinth macaw, can weigh almost as much as two pineapples. Find out more about the macaw in this book.
Cover image of Macaw

Giant anteater

Did you know that there are four species of anteaters? They are most related to armadillos and sloths. Find out more about the giant anteater in this book.
Cover image of Giant anteater


Did you know that there are six species of sloths? They are divided into two groups, based on how many claws they have on their front feet. The four three-toed species are a bit smaller than the two species of two-toed sloths. Find out more about sloths in this book.
Cover image of Sloth


"Toucans are known for their large, colorful beaks. A toucan's beak helps the bird grab distant food easily . . . Readers will learn about the animal's body, food, and adaptations, as well as threats to its survival"--Back cover.


"Jaguars are the only member of the big cat group found in the New World. They can grow to be about 9 feet (2.7 meters) long . . . Readers will learn about the animal's body, food, and adaptations, as well as threats to its survival"--Back cover.


"Along with chimpanzees and orangutans, gorillas are part of a group of primates known as great apes. The two species of gorilla are found in Africa . . . Readers will learn about the animal's body, food, and adaptations, as well as threats to its survival"--Back cover.

Poison dart frog

Did you know that there are about 200 different species of poison dart frogs? The smallest ones can easily fit on a human thumbnail, while the bodies of many medium to large species are about the size of a large grape. Find out more about poison dart frogs in this book.


"Okapis have black and white stripes on their rear legs. Their closest relatives are giraffes . . . Readers will learn about the animal's body, food, and adaptations, as well as threats to its survival"--Back cover.
Cover image of Okapi


"Examines the okapi's habitat, adaptations, diet, and threats to its survival." --.


"Examines the jaguar's habitat, adaptations, diet, and threats to its survival." --.


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