Health matters

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Understanding juvenile diabetes

Presents a collection of facts about juvenile diabetes, highlighting the causes, treatment, and on-going research associated with the disease. Includes a glossary and color photographs.

Understanding allergies

Explores the science of allergies, explaining why people get allergies, what causes allergic reactions, and what people can do to treat and prevent allergic reactions. Includes a glossary.

Understanding asthma

Examines the science of asthma, including what causes asthma, what happens in an asthma attack, and what people can do to treat and manage asthma. Includes a glossary.

Understanding cancer

Introduces readers to different types of cancer, treatment options, and the side effects associated with them.

Understanding anxiety

Introduces readers to anxiety disorders, how they affect the body, treatment options, and more.
Cover image of Understanding anxiety

Understanding asthma

"Asthma is a very common condition among children and adults. In fact, a recent study found that 1 in 12 children had asthma. This informative book introduces readers to asthma symptoms, how it affects the body, and treatment in a clear, straightforward way. It simplifies complex medical concepts into age-appropriate text. Full-color photographs and fact boxes highlight important information. This accessible book is perfect for readers who are learning to care for their own asthma, or who have loved ones with asthma"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Understanding asthma

Understanding cancer

"Cancer is a group of diseases in which abnormal cells divide and spread. There are many different kinds of cancer, and different forms of treatment. Cancer is very scary, and can be very difficult to handle physically, emotionally, and mentally. Learning about how cancer affects the body and how it can be treated can help readers who know someone with cancer, or who have cancer themselves. This book can help readers understand complex medical terms and processes through straightforward text. Full-color photographs and fact boxes highlight important information"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Understanding cancer

Understanding autism spectrum disorder

"Autism Spectrum Disorder describes a group of developmental disorders. It is now called a spectrum because people with ASD can experience a wide range of different symptoms and behaviors. This informative book introduces readers to ASD with straightforward text that simplifies complex concepts into age-appropriate language. Full-color photographs and fact boxes highlight important information. This accessible book will be helpful for readers who have been diagnosed with ASD, or who have loved ones with ASD"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Understanding autism spectrum disorder

Understanding allergies

"Peanuts, pets, pollen; people can be allergic to many different things. Allergies can cause different reactions, from runny noses to more serious symptoms, so it is important to understand how allergies can affect the body. This informative book introduces readers to different types of allergies, their symptoms, and treatment options. Full-color photographs and fact boxes illustrate important information. This straightforward text helps readers understand complex medical terms and processes. Accessible and thorough, this book is the perfect guide for readers who have allergies, or who have loved ones with allergies"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Understanding allergies

Why we eat healthy foods

An introduction to nutrition and eating healthy.
Cover image of Why we eat healthy foods


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