organic farming

Topical Term
organic farming

Organic foods

Looks at organic farming, including what it is and how it affects the food we eat.

Free-range farming

Examines the recent trend toward free-range farming, raising animals for food in a sustainable way, and looks at what this means for consumers and growers.

Organic food

Presents articles and essays offering opposing viewpoints on issues related to organic food production and consumption in the United States, such as whether or not organic food is really more healthy than conventional food.

The fatal harvest reader

the tragedy of industrial agriculture
Examines what the author calls the corporate lies, or myths of industrial agriculture, and features over thirty essays in which the authors examine the industrial agricultural system and its negative impact on the environment, human health, and farm communities; and discuss the possibility of an organic food future.

Organic manifesto

how organic farming can heal our planet, feed the world, and keep us safe

Tomorrow's table

organic farming, genetics, and the future of food

Growing good food

Introduces the difference between organic and non-organic farming, community-supported agriculture, and how the choices you make at the grocery store can make a difference for your health and for the Earth.

Molly's organic farm

Wandering into a community organic farm, a homeless cat is adopted by the farmers and helps out in her own way. End notes discuss organic farming and present related activities.


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