LaFond, Lois

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Living at the Plymouth Colony

Uses location film footage, narration, archival images, and dramatic reenactments to examine aspects of daily life and society in Plymouth Colony, providing information about why the Pilgrims came to the United States, where and how they lived, what they ate, and how they spent their time.

Living at the Plymouth Colony

Uses location film footage, narration, archival images, and dramatic reenactments to examine aspects of daily life and society in Plymouth Colony, providing information about why the Pilgrims came to the United States, where and how they lived, what they ate, and how they spent their time.

Living at the Plymouth Colony

Discusses the Pilgrims' founding of Plymouth Colony and explores daily life in the colony.

America under James Monroe & John Quincy Adams, 1817-1828

Introduces James Monroe and John Quincy Adams, the fifth and sixth presidents of the United States, and examines some of the most significant events of their administrations, including the Missouri Compromise, the Monroe Doctrine, the Tariff of Abomination, and the Adams-Onis Treaty.
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