
Geographic Name

The creation of the U.S. Constitution

A graphic novel chronicle of the debates, disagreements, and compromises that led to the formation of the U.S. Constitution.

Independence Hall

Explores the history of the Pennsylvania State House, later called Independence Hall, where the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation were adopted and the Constitution was signed.

The U.S. Constitution

Historical photographs and engravings teach young readers about the history and origins of the United States Constitution.

Constitution Day

Examines why the Constitution was created and explores Constitution Day, discussing the Constitutional Convention, the parts of the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and ways individuals celebrate the document.

The Declaration of Independence

Provides background information on the people and events connected with the writing of the Declaration of Independence and briefly examines the contents of the document itself.

The original United States of America

Americans discover the meaning of independence, 1770-1800
Examines the thirteen original colonies and the birth of America as a nation and describes how the colonists took a stand against British oppression, the creation of a republic, Constitutional Convention and new government, and features biographical sketches.

The Federalist-Anti-Federalist debate over states' rights

a primary source investigation
Examines the debate waged between the Federalists and Anti-Federalists in the six months preceding the ratification of the Constitution over the political structure of the new nation and the limits of federal power and states' rights.

Forge of union, anvil of liberty

a correspondent's report on the first federal elections, the first federal Congress, and the Bill of Rights
Tells the story of the founding the United States, focusing on the first Federal elections, and the creation of the Bill of Rights by the first Congress and President Washington. Presented in the form of an eyewitness news report.

The U.S. Constitution

Chronicles the September 17, 1787 signing of the U.S. Constitution that became the framework of American government and separation from England.

Signing their rights away

the fame and misfortune of the men who signed the United States Constitution
Profiles the thirty-nine men who signed the United States Constitution, revealing their personal quirks, public personas, and the events that led to the crafting of the Constitution.


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