former soviet republics

Geographic Name
former soviet republics

The formation and dissolution of the Soviet Union

This book examines how the history, geography, and culture of the region impacted the formation and dissolution of the Soviet Union.

After the Soviet Union

from empire to nations
Collection of essays giving the first comprehensive assessment of the challenges facing the Soviet Union's successor republics.

Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, 2008

A comprehensive history of the Russian Federation and the Commonwealth of Independent States, describing early leaders and Czars, the Communist period, the collapse of the Soviet Union, and the establishment of the new republics.

Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, 2003

Provides a region-by-region overview of Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States, including information on its history, government, economy, geography, and culture.

Nine Layers of Sky

A former Soviet scientist, Elena Irinovna cleans office buildings. Ilya Muromyets is an eight-hundred-year-old remnant of Russia's glorious past. Now he's a broken man. They are brought together by a strange artifact made of an unknown metal that offers a glimpse into another dimension, creating a dangerous breach in a world they both only thought they knew...

Russia, Eurasian States, and Eastern Europe, 1999

Discusses the current conditions-economic, political, and cultural-throughout Russia, Eastern Europe, and Eurasia.


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