Modern marvels (Television program)

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Modern marvels

From the prairies of Saskatchewan to a Manhattan skyscraper, explore the 21st century's cutting-edge green technologies taking on our most daunting environmental crisis, from global warming and deforestation to nuclear waste and resource scarcity.

Engineering disasters

Chronicles over 40 of history's most devastating engineering failures, including the Exxon Valdez disaster to a nuclear meltdown at a secret governmetn facility, to the devastating effects of Hurricane Katrina. Uses state-of-the-art special effects to investigate not only what went wrong, but what can be learned from these disasters. The catastrophes recounted led to the creation of Superfund sites for the cleanup of toxic waste, improved safety standards for cars, planes, and ships; and new techniques for building roads, bridges, and buildings that will withstand nature's most destructive forces.

Modern marvels

An episode of the television series "Modern Marvels" that examines the history of the Apollo 13 space mission and describes the dangers faced by the astronauts and rescue efforts of NASA.

Modern Marvels

Lumberyards began springing up along the Boston Harbor shoreline nearly 400 years ago. They provided ship builders and homesteaders with the wood they needed. Today, the lumberyard is a vast, busy, and noisy complex where technology is brought to bear on stacks and stacks of lumber.

Engineering Disasters:New Orleans

With a dispassionate eye and astounding access, this video reveals the factors which conspired to doom New Orleans.

Modern marvels

Analyzes the weaponry and tactics used by the raiding Germanic tribes against the Roman Empire, including their mastery of the bow and how they perfected metallurgy.

Modern marvels

Egyptian Pyramids/The Great Wall of China
Two episodes of Modern Marvels examine historically significant architectural feats: the Egyptian pyramids and the Great Wall of China.
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