Allard, Denise

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Postcards from Poland

A collection of fictional postcards, written as if by young people visiting Poland, describing various sights and ways of life in this northern European country.

The Vikings

Pictures and short essays provide information about the Vikings, discussing their country, food, jewelry, commerce, gods and goddesses, and other aspects of their lives.

Postcards from Israel

A collection of fictional postcards, written as if by young people visiting Israel, describes various sights and life in the modern Jewish state of Israel.

The Greeks

Describes the daily life of ancient Greece, including such topics as schools, work, shopping, religion, drama, and sports.

The Egyptians

Describes various aspects of life in ancient Egypt, including homes and families, farming, towns, building, recreation, and religion.

The Postcards from United States

Short excerpts written in the form of postcards describe different places in the United States and the activities of the people who live there.

The Romans

Describes daily life in ancient Rome, discussing the home, shopping, farming, theater, sports, and religion.

Postcards from Peru

Brief descriptions of different places in Peru written in the form of postcards.


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