Topical Term

The eruption of Mount St. Helens

On May 18, 1980, Mount St. Helens erupted. Learn about eruption, from the events leading up to it to everything that followed.

Camelot's end

Kennedy vs. Carter, and the fight that broke the Democratic party
The Carter presidency was on life support. The Democrats, desperate to keep power and yearning to resurrect former glory, turned to Kennedy. And so, 1980 became a civil war. It was the last time an American president received a serious reelection challenge from inside his own party, the last contested convention, and the last all-out floor fight, where political combatants fought in real time to decide who would be the nominee. It was the last gasp of an outdated system, an insider's game that old Kennedy hands thought they had mastered, and the year that marked the unraveling of the Democratic Party as America had known it.

President Reagan

Profiles Reagan's record in politics and provides capsule records of the careers of his various appointees.

The Carter Presidency, and beyond

power and politics in the 1980s

The election of 1980 and the administration of Ronald Reagan

Chronicles the presidential election of 1980 and presents primary documents from Ronald Reagan's administration.

George Bush

forty-first president of the United States
A biography emphasizing the political career of the forty-first president.
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