The mosquito detective tells a cub reporter of his exploits and encounters with such insect notables as Mickey Mantis, F. Flea Bailey, and the Warden of Sting Sting Prison.
The mosquito detective tells a cub reporter of his exploits and encounters with such insect notables as Mickey Mantis, F. Flea Bailey, and the Warden of Sting Sting Prison.
The famous insective, Incognito Mosquito, travels back in time to solve five mysteries involving such notables as Christopher Columbug, Benetick Arnold, Buffalo Bill Cootie, Tutankhamant, and Robin Hoodlum.
The mosquito detective tells a class of FBI agents of his exploits and encounters with such insect offenders and notables as Russian Cagey Bees, Goldfungus, Mikhail Baryshnimoth, and Gnat King Cole. Sequel to "Incognito Mosquito, Private Insective.".
The mosquito detective tells a cub reporter of his exploits and encounters with such insect notables as Mickey Mantis, F. Flea Bailey, and the Warden of Sting Sting Prison.
The mosquito detective tells a class of FBI agents of his exploits and encounters with such insect offenders and notables as Russian Cagey Bees, Goldfungus, Mikhail Baryshnimoth, and Gnat King Cole. Sequel to "Incognito Mosquito, Private Insective.".