
Topical Term

Bugs in the backyard

"Kids will discover what a fly likes to eat and how it digests its food or how a pond skater can skim across the surface of water. They will learn how a colony of ants communicates, and find out if their garden might be home to the fastest beetle in the world"--Provided by publisher.

Wicked bugs

the meanest, deadliest, grossest bugs on earth
A middle-grade adaptation of Amy Stewart's Wicked Bugs that features profiles of the world's scariest, deadliest, and grossest bugs.

Black widow spiders

Black widow spiders are a glossy black spider with a red hourglass on their underside. They are poisonous and dangerous to humans. They are also cannibals, frequently eating their own kind when other insects can't be found.


dangerous hitchhikers
Examines the appearance and anatomy of ticks, members of the arachnid family, looks at how they develop from egg to adult, and discusses their senses, defenses, and reproduction.

Ar?cnidos incre?bles

Discusses a variety of arachnids, such as spiders, ticks, mites, and scorpions, covering their body parts, diet, reproduction, and defense, and includes those which are endangered.


Learn how spiders make webs, meet nature's recyclers, find out how bees use honey, and spot the glowing insect. Introduces children to the exciting world around them.

Spiders & scorpions

Found in virtually every climate and habitat, spiders are arachnids (not insects), and this program examines all facets of spider life - webs and the spider's use of silk, eating habits, growth and molting, mating habits and care of the young. Scorpions, resembling miniature lobsters, are relatives of the spider and they each possess a poisonous stinger. The program reviews the lifestyle of scorpions and later presents tips on creating a spider habitat for common house or garden spiders.

Centipedes, millipedes, scorpions & spiders

Presents an introduction to spiders, centipedes, scorpions, and more, in simple text with illustrations, providing information on their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and life cycle.

About arachnids

a guide for children
An introduction to the physical characteristics, behavior, and life cycle of arachnids.

National Audubon Society field guide to North American insects and spiders

Text and color photographs describe 550 common insects and 60 spiders and their kin and offer information on scientific and common names, physical description, habitat, food and behavior.


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