Wilkes, Angela

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The seashore

Uses a question-and-answer format to discuss various aspects of seashore life. Includes a look-and-find activity on every other page.

Mi primer libro de palabras en espa?ol

More than 1000 Spanish words are introduced by labeled pictures grouped topically under clothes, home, food, playtime, the country, colors, and other familiar things and places.

Mi primer libro de ecolog?a

Features environmental activities and projects in such areas as water pollution, recycling, acid rain, and wildlife gardens.

First craft activity book

Instructions for making masks, jewelry, Christmas tree decorations, and other objects from material readily available in the home.

Mi primer libro de jardineria

Introduction to plants and gardening for young children.

Mi primer libro de fiestas

Simple instructions for craft projects along with recipes that will create a fun party.

Mi cuerpo y yo

Describes the various parts of the human body and the jobs that each part performs while also suggesting ways to care for the body and keep it well. Includes a short story and picture puzzles relating to the human body.

Your world

Presents information for young children on a wide variety of topics, arranged in such categories as The Universe, The World Around You, Prehistoric Life, Plant Life, Reptiles and Amphibians, Birds and Mammals, Your Body, People and Places, Transport, and How Things Work.

My first garden book

Features simple gardening projects from collecting seeds to growing a miniature desert garden.


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