
Geographic Name

The Cuban missile crisis

Provides an account of the Cuban missile crisis of 1962 from both the U.S. and Soviet perspectives, looking at the factors that led to the crisis, and discussing how the dangerous situation was defused.
Cover image of The Cuban missile crisis

War and peace

Cover image of War and peace

Look what came from Russia

Describes many things that originally came from Russia, including inventions, sports and games, food, fashion, musical instruments, animals, arts and crafts, and words.
Cover image of Look what came from Russia

Anna Karenina

In nineteenth-century Russia, the wife of an important government official loses her family and social status when she chooses the love of Count Vronsky over a passionless marriage.

Crime and punishment

Raskolnikov, an impoverished Russian student, murders a despicable old pawnbroker, reasoning that his evil act is outweighed by humanitarian good, but he discovers the fault in his theory when he is plagued by horror and guilt over his actions.

Love and death

Cowardly scholar Boris attempts to win the heart of the beautiful Sonja, a firebrand anti-Napoleon radical.

Fyodor Dostoevsky's Crime & punishment

a graphic novel
A graphic adaptation of the Russian novel, here set in twenty-first-century St. Petersburg, in which Raskolnikov murders a woman and is consumed by guilt.

The Russian Revolution

The Russian Revolution depicts how this movement was driven by the new ideas and strong leadership of Vladimir Lenin, and was sparked by the hope for a better way of life.

Between shades of gray

In 1941, fifteen-year-old Lina, her mother, and brother are pulled from their Lithuanian home by Soviet guards and sent to Siberia, where her father is sentenced to death in a prison camp while she fights for her life, vowing to honor her family and the thousands like hers by burying her story in a jar on Lithuanian soil. Based on the author's family, includes a historical note.

Breaking Stalin's nose

In the Stalinist era of the Soviet Union, ten-year-old Sasha idolizes his father, a devoted Communist, but when police take his father away and leave Sasha homeless, he is forced to examine his own perceptions, values, and beliefs.


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