Seventeen-year-old Bobby Seed, the devoted but exhausted primary caregiver for his terminally-ill mother and difficult younger brother, finds respite in a support group and good friends, but must face his mother's impossible choice alone.
Growing up in a regime that oppresses its citizens, fourteen-year-old Charlie Law befriends a young refugee from a neighboring country, poised to attack Charlie's country.
Growing up in a regime that oppresses its citizens, fourteen-year-old Charlie Law befriends a young refugee from a neighboring country, poised to attack Charlie's country.
All seventeen-year-old Dylan Mint wants is to keep his Tourette's in check and live as a normal teen, but during a routine hospital visit he overhears that he is going to die, and in an attempt to claim the life he has always wanted he makes a list of "Cool Things To Do Before I Cack It" and sets out to have some fun.
All seventeen-year-old Dylan Mint wants is to keep his Tourette's in check and live as a normal teen, but during a routine hospital visit he overhears that he is going to die, and in an attempt to claim the life he has always wanted he makes a list of "Cool Things To Do Before I Cack It" and sets out to have some fun.