html (document markup language)

Topical Term
html (document markup language)

HTML for Dummies


Home page

an introduction to Web page design
This kid-oriented title makes HTML--the language of the World Wide Web--friendly and covers all the basics of building a home page.

Creating web pages simplified

Screen shots and step-by-step instructions offer a comprehensive guide to creating web pages, with explanations on how to use basic HTML, add text, photos, logos, and clickable buttons, build links, use style sheets, create contact forms, and publish pages.

A kid's guide to creating web pages for home and school

A tutorial, designed for children, for using html and javascript to create web pages.

Creating web pages all-in-one for dummies

Introduces the principles of Web page design; explains how to create a Web presence on such sites as MySpace and Blogger, how to create a full Web site using Google Pages Creator, and how to sell online through eBay; and looks at the features of various Web design programs and tools, including Expression Web, Dreamweaver, Cascading Style Sheets, HTML/XHTML code, JavaScript, and Flash.

HTML for dummies

A guide to building and publishing attractive, interesting Web pages, discussing the ins and outs of HyperText Markup Language. Includes a CD-ROM for Windows, Unix, or Macintosh computers, with software to assist in designing your Web page.


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