
Geographic Name

A million shades of gray

A boy takes refuge in the jungle with his elephant when the Viet Cong launch an attack on his village in the aftermath of the Vietnam War.

Too young to escape

a Vietnamese girl waits to be reunited with her family
Ho Chi Min City, 1981. When four-year-old Van woke up one morning, her mother and three siblings were gone. Van didn't think too much of it until later in the day, when her grandmother said they weren't coming back.
Cover image of Too young to escape

Children of Cambodia's killing fields

memoirs by survivors
Contains eyewitness accounts of life in Cambodia during Pol Pot's Khmer Rouge regime, written by survivors who were children at the time, and telling of the years between 1975 and 1979 when families were torn apart, forced from their homes, and subjected to brainwashing and execution.


An overview of the art and architecture of Paris, France.

Following Ho Chi Minh

the memoirs of a North Vietnamese colonel

Escape from Communist heaven

The Communist takeover of South Vietnam in 1975 is very hard for fourteen-year-old Viet Nguyen and his family, but when Viet foolishly tries to speed up their plans to escape he is arrested and sentenced to the harsh life of a labor camp in the jungle.

Where the domino fell

America and Vietnam, 1945 to 1995
Recounts the history of America's military involvement in Vietnam from the end of World War II through 1975 and provides an overview of relations between America and Vietnam from 1975 to 1995.

The Soviet Union

opposing viewpoints
Soviet, European, and American authorities examine the troubles and triumphs of the Soviet Union's struggle to reshape itself in a new era.


new thinking for our country and the world


a memoir of Poland and Rome


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