Math everywhere!

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Get the measure

units and measurements
"Introduces the reader to measurements."--Publisher. publisher.

Math on the move

Readers use math skills to solve travel-related word problems.

Garden math

Explains how math applies to gardens by applying math to plant spacing, building a raised bed, measuring the size of a pumpkin, and both watering and fertilizing plants.

Fitness math

Explains how math applies to fitness by measuring physical activity, calculating target heart rate, planning workouts, and more.

Ball game math

Readers use math skills to solve sports-related word problems.

Shopping trip math

Readers use math skills to solve shopping-related word problems.

Kitchen math

Readers use math skills to solve kitchen math word problems.

Weather math

This book shows how math smarts are used to measure the temperature, calculate how far away a storm is based on the distance between the thunder and lightning, predict how much rain there will be in a month, and more.

Money math

All the kids in this book are earning or spending money, and they need math to plan their savings and big purchases. Learn how they calculate allowance and extra income, use ratios to balance savings and spending money, track money in an account log, and compare earnings at different interest rates.


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