Flint, Shamini

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a soccer story
In 1986 Malaysia, as she worries about her parents' constant fighting, ardent soccer fan Maya, age eleven, trains herself and pulls together a team at her girls' school, despite soccer being a "boys' game.".

Diary of a cricket god

"Marcus Atkinson is a cricket god (not!). But his dad is convinced that Marcus has magic in his wrists. Marcus is a Maths whiz who is not good at sport. His dad is a self-help author who thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to--with hilarious results"--Amazon.com.

Diary of a super swimmer

Nine-year-old Marcus Atkinson records his experiences when the latest sport his father makes him try is swimming.


a soccer story
In 1986 Malaysia, as she worries about her parents' constant fighting, ardent soccer fan Maya, age eleven, trains herself and pulls together a team at her girls' school, despite soccer being a "boys' game.".

Diary of a track and field titan

Nine-year-old Marcus Atkinson tells his diary about his father's latest attempt to get him involved in sports as he is pushed into the ten events involved in track and field.

Diary of a tennis prodigy

Nine-year-old Marcus Atkinson records his experiences when his father introduces him to tennis.

Diary of a golf pro

Nine-year-old Marcus Atkinson records his experiences when his father introduces him to golf.

Diary of a basketball hero

Nine-year-old Marcus is a math whiz who is not good at sports, but his dad, a self-help author, thinks Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to and signs him up for basketball.

Diary of a rugby champ

Marcus is a math whiz who is not good at sports. But his dad, a self-help author, is convinced otherwise. He believes that Marcus can achieve anything he sets his mind to--with hilarious results.

Diary of a taekwondo master

Nine-year-old Marcus Atkinson heads off to taekwondo class when his dad decides it is the perfect sport to show off his son's kicking skills.


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