Examines the experiences of Nujood Ali, a Yemeni girl who at the age of nine was forced to marry a thirty-year-old man against her will. Nujood managed to get a divorce, becoming the youngest-known divorcee in the world. Explores similar cases of forced child marriages in impoverished places around the world and what is being done to stop them.
Examines the life of Grace Akallo, a young woman from Uganda who dreamed of attending college only to be kidnapped by the Lord's Resistance Army and forced to become a child soldier. Explores how Grace has left the life of violence and searches for a better future for herself and all former child soldiers.
A biography of Malala Yousafzai, a Muslim teenage girl from Pakistan, who advocates for education of women and children, and whom the Taliban attempted to assassinate on October 9, 2012.