women heroes

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women heroes

Goddesses and heroines

women of myth and legend
"'Goddesses and Heroines' tells the tales of inspirational female characters from ancient myth and legend . . ."--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Goddesses and heroines

More girls who rocked the world

heroines from Ada Lovelace to Misty Copeland
Recounts the stories of forty-five women throughout history who impacted the world when they were teenagers or younger, covering Cleopatra, Jazz Jennings, Emma Watson, Beverly Cleary, and others.


many happy returns
Investigating a spacecraft crash near Leesburg, Linda Danvers--Supergirl--rushes to look for survivors and finds Kara Zor-El, the Silver Age Supergirl from Krypton.

Strong female protagonist

"Alison Green used to be a superhero. With unlimited strength and invulnerability she fought crime with a group of other teens under the alter ego Mega Girl. All that changed after an encounter with Menace, her mind-reading arch-enemy, who showed her evidence of a sinister conspiracy that made battling giant robots seem suddenly unimportant. Now Alison is going to college in New York City, trying to find ways to actually help the world while making friends and getting to class on time. It's impossible to escape the past however and trouble comes in the form of mysterious murders, ex-teammates with a grudge, robots with a strange sense of humor, an inconvenient crush, a cantankerous professor, and many different kinds of people who think they know the best way to be a hero"--OCLC.

25 women who protected their country

"Discover 25 women who served in the military and accomplished great feats of strength and bravery. Whether through medicine, espionage, journalism, or combat, these 25 women show what it takes to be a hero"--Amazon.

Star Wars, forces of destiny: Meet the heroes

Text and illustrations introduce the female heroes of the television program "Star Wars, Forces of Destiny.".

Tokyo mew mew ? la mode

Berry Shirayuki gets into a bizarre accident that leaves her with the DNA of an almost extinct wildcat and gives her extraordinary new powers, but her new powers come at a cost when she must fight the remaining chimeras terrorizing Tokyo and battle a new gang in town called the Saint Rose Crusaders.

The shadow of Kyoshi

Kyoshi, Book 2
"Kyoshi's place as the true Avatar has finally been cemented-but at a heavy cost. With her mentors gone, Kyoshi voyages to the Southern Air Temple, where she can master the elements beyond what she could have ever imagined. But while her bending grows stronger, a mysterious threat emerges from the Spirit World. To stop it, Kyoshi, Rangi, the daofei, and their reluctant allies must join forces before the four nations are destroyed irreparably"-- Provided by publisher.

Daughters of jubilation

"In the Jim Crow South, white supremacy reigns and tensions are high. But Evalene Deschamps has other things to worry about. She has two little sisters to look after, an overworked single mother, and a longtime crush who is finally making a move. On top of all that, Evvie's magic abilities are growing stronger by the day. Her family calls it jubilation--a gift passed down from generations of black women since the time of slavery. And as Evvie's talents waken, something dark comes loose and threatens to resurface... And when the demons of Evvie's past finally shake free, she must embrace her mighty lineage, and summon the power that lies within her"--Amazon.com.


Isabelle is one of Cinderella's ugly stepsisters, who cut off her toes in an attempt to fit into the glass slipper; but there is more to her story than a maimed foot, for the Marquis de la Chance is about to offer her a choice and the opportunity to change her fate--there will be blood and danger, but also the possibility of redemption and triumph, and most of all the chance to find her true self.


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