(fictional character)

(fictional character)

The science behind Batman's uniform

Batman depends on his Batsuit to protect him. But are the high-tech features in his body armor real? The answer may surprise you. Look inside to explore how the Batsuit's features are rooted in real-world science and engineering.

Captain America

Civil war
Contains 7 comics featuring Captain America and other Avengers team members.

Death Star battle

To save the Rebellion from certain destruction, Luke Skywalker and the rebels launch a daring attack on the Empire's superweapon, the Death Star.


the Joker's ice scream
When Joker and Harley Quinn get the Gotham City Police eating out of the palms of their hands, only Batman and Batgirl can serve up sweet justice!.

Last laugh!

Batman needs help from Superman when the Joker and Lex Luthor team up.

Save the day!

The Joker, Bane, Poison Ivy, and Harley Quinn are robbing banks and plotting a terrible crime against Gotham City. Superman, Robin, and Catwoman are here to help, but even with his friends, Batman wonders if he will be able to stop the crooked criminals in time.

Cat commander

When Catwoman steals an ancient Egyptian sistrum which enables her to command all of Gotham City's cats, the city is rapidly overrun by rats and mice and it is up to Batman to find the lady and retrieve the artifact.

Cyborg superman

When an unusual solar flare damages his space shuttle and causes astronaut Hank Henshaw and his crew--including his wife--to mutate, he blames Superman and as his surviving consciousness learns to fuse with technology he vows revenge.

The poisoned planet

In an attempt to force the Daily Planet newspaper to stop wasting paper, Poison Ivy creates a vine of kryptonite that covers the whole building, and a seriously weakened Superman must find a way to stop her before she kills Lois and his other friends.

Danger on deck!

Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze fight each other for the right to ransom the passengers of a charity cruise, and it is up to Batman to defeat them and rescue the hostages.


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