Opitz, Michael F

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Don't speed, read!

Good-bye round robin

25 effective oral reading strategies
Contains twenty-five oral reading strategies to help develop comprehension, fluency, and strategic thinking; and is designed for English language learners or those students who struggle with reading.

Don't speed. Read!

12 steps to smart and sensible fluency instruction
Provides twelve steps to help students learn to read with speed and accuracy; and includes assessment forms and instructional strategies.

Literacy lessons to help kids get fit & healthy

Provides strategies for integrating fitness into literacy lessons and includes children's literature and web sites about health and well being, suggested activities, and sample handouts.

Reaching readers

flexible & innovative strategies for guided reading
Provides a definition of guided reading, identifying the basics of guided reading instruction; examines questions about how guided reading groups are formed; considers text selection for guided reading experiences; looks at guided reading in practice in nine classrooms; and presents ideas for keeping children meaningfully engaged.

Getting the most from predictable books

strategies and activities for teaching with more than 75 favorite children's books
Provides a resource of over eight hundred predictable trade books, and offers suggestions for their use in kindergarten through second grade classrooms.

Comprehension and English language learners

25 oral reading strategies that cross proficiency levels
Explains the importance of oral language development for English language learners and offers practical strategies to help them build their comprehension and proficiency.

Rhymes & reasons

literature and language play for phonological awareness
An annotated bibliography of more than 350 books appropriate for primary grade-level students, which encourage phonological awareness; suggests activities to use with the texts and groups the books into categories such as "alliterative texts, " "rhyming texts, " and "song texts.".

Learning centers

getting them started, keeping them going
Presents innovative ways to creating successful learning centers in the kindergarten through forth-grade classroom including suggestions on center topics, monthly ideas, and strategies for grouping and scheduling students.

Flexible grouping in reading

Provides teachers of grades two through five with a variety of approaches and strategies for incorporating group reading activities into the classroom curriculum to help students improve their reading and comprehension skills.


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