Text and photographs describe remarkable art, food, and festivals, such as a car that transforms into a robot, a fifty-six-pound mushroom, and a hall of fame for cockroaches.
Photographs and text document unusual and unexpected human abilities, including the woman who wore a corset for more than twenty years, a man who can eat forty-nine hot dogs in twelve minutes, and others.
Text and photographs describe remarkable stunts, feats, and performances, such as a surfer taking on a seventy-foot wave, a man who swallows light bulbs, and a woman who can blow up a hot water bottle until it bursts.
Text and photographs describe strange but true stories of occurrences, people, places, and animals, such as an elephant with two trunks, a boa constrictor that ended up in a toilet, and a glow-in-the-dark gravestone.
Photographs and text document unusual and unexpected animals and insects, including miniature ponies, ugly pets, giant goldfish, and other related creatures.