world wrestling entertainment, inc

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world wrestling entertainment, inc

Pro wrestling superstars

Pro wrestling features some of the most recognizable names in sports history. But who are the best wrestlers to ever enter the ring? Check out the top 10 and then rank them for yourself.
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Be a pro wrestler

A mix of theater, athletics, and a rock concert, there's nothing quite like going to a professional wrestling show. From the entrance music and pyrotechnics to high-flying, off-the-top-rope moonsaults, it's easy to see why kids would aspire to get into the business! This book takes even reluctant readers on the ride those who want to be pro wrestlers take through training, backyard wrestling, indie promotions, and of course, big companies like AEW and WWE. Inspirational stories of success are included throughout, accompanied by full-color photographs of some of today's greats of pro wrestling.
Cover image of Be a pro wrestler


Describes events in the wrestling career of a professional wrestler known as the Undertaker.

Triple H

Highlights the life and accomplishments of the professional wrestler and two-time world heavyweight champion.


This book gives Bayley fans a closer look at how she grew up to become the sparkly personality she is today, including her training, her time at companies other than the WWE, and her greatest achievements.

Epic Battles In 3-D

The action explodes from the ring as your favorite WWE superstars and divas smash, crash, and bash each other right here, right now, and in your face.
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