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A tiny piece of sky

In 1939 Hangerstown, Maryland, eleven-year-old Frankie faces suspicion that her German-born father is a Nazi spy.

Let's talk about race

The author introduces the concept of race as only one component in an individual's or nation's "story.".

Jonathan Livingston Seagull

the complete edition
Because he spends so much time perfecting his flying form instead of concentrating on getting food, a seagull is ostracized by the rest of the flock.

The person you mean to be

how good people fight bias
A guide to confronting difficult issues such as sexism, racism, inequality, and injustice in order to make the world (and oneself) better.

Can't take that away

When Carey Parker, a genderqueer teen who dreams of being a diva like their hero Mariah Carey, is cast as the female lead in the school musical, they must fight against discrimination and injustice from their closed-minded school administration.
Cover image of Can't take that away

Morning is a long time coming

En route to Germany in search of the maternal love she never had, eighteen-year-old Patty Bergen lingers in Paris and experiences her first love affair.

Hearts unbroken

While working with the new photojournalist to cover the school musical's ethnically diverse casting, Muscogee (Creek) Louise Wolfe finds herself confronting the politics of being Native and the feasibility of dating while Native.

Children of blood and bone

Seventeen-year-old Z?lie, her older brother Tzain, and rogue princess Amari fight to restore magic to the land and activate a new generation of magi, but they are ruthlessly pursued by the crown prince, who believes the return of magic will mean the end of the monarchy.

Readings for diversity and social justice

A collection of essays designed to help students take new perspectives on social diversity and social justice in the United States.


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