Massie, Diane Redfield

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Mouse and Mole's great race

Good neighbors

A hungry badger helps Ratty and Mouse come to terms about what a good neighbor should be.

A birthday for bird

Cockle stew, and other rhymes

Rhymes describe three humorous problems and their solutions.

Mouse and Mole's great race

A birthday for bird

The Komodo dragon's jewels

The island-dwelling Komodo dragon, being mistaken for a lady tourist in a green hat, has a chance to see the "jewels" of the mainland at closer range.

Good neighbors

A hungry badger helps Ratty and Mouse come to terms about what a good neighbor should be.

Cockle stew, and other rhymes

Rhymes describe three humorous problems and their solutions.

Chameleon was a spy

Chameleon becomes a spy in order to recover the formula for the world's best pickles.


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