Jake Maddox JV

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Home safe home

Fourteen-year-old Caleb Parker has not been having much fun playing baseball recently, but when his mother volunteers to host Ricky Alvarez, a nineteen-year-old Dominican player on a local independent team in their Minnesota town, he finds a friend and mentor whose own struggles serve as an inspiration to the young Caleb.
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Block and rock

Once an inseparable trio, whether in their little band or on the football field, Justin, Tony, and Miles have drifted apart in middle school (Justin to band and his old friends to sports); now, after a summer of jamming, Justin decides to try out the football team with his old friends--but he finds little encouragement from them, and he misses the new friends he made in the school band.
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Soccer sabotage

Eighth-grader Simon Sanford and his friends Jacob and Mohammed are all excited for soccer tryouts, because this year they will probably be starters, but a newcomer, Trevor, is stealing the show; jealous, and worried about their positions on the team, the three start to sabotage their rival--until Simon gets a life lesson from his least favorite teacher.
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Soccer stand-off

Eighth-grader Ethan Isaac is looking forward to the soccer season, but he gets a shock when he finds out that their new coach is Ms. Brezinka, his tough seventh grade science teacher--some of the players quit the team, but Ethan does not have that option, and he soon learns that Ms. Brezinka is as demanding a soccer coach as she was a teacher.
Cover image of Soccer stand-off

Snowboard struggle

Thirteen-year-old Alex Landry is determined to recruit the new boy at Wisconsin's Kingsford Middle School, Miles Vaughn, to the snowboard team, because his skill is awesome, but Miles is taking care of his younger siblings while his mother works two jobs, and finding the time to attend practice is difficult, so Alex sets out to show him being a part of a team means you always have someone to share the load.
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Block and rock

Once an inseparable trio, whether in their little band or on the football field, Justin, Tony, and Miles have drifted apart in middle school (Justin to band and his old friends to sports); now, after a summer of jamming, Justin decides to try out the football team with his old friends--but he finds little encouragement from them, and he misses the new friends he made in the school band.

Free throw fail

Jake is a top scorer on the Tyndall Tigers, in fact you might say that basketball is in his blood, but when it comes to free throws he has a problem--he gets nervous and cannot seem to make them in a game situation.

Bad-luck basketball

Brandon's junior high school basketball team is struggling to make the playoffs, and Brandon is starting to feel that his bad luck is dragging them down--and when their bus breaks down on the way to the big game, Brandon has to turn luck into opportunity.

Tae kwon do clash

Fifteen-year-old Ben's mother would like him to follow his best friend, Tanner, and join Chief Master Lisa Kleisch's tae kwon do studio, but Ben is loyal to his long-time instructor, Mr. Ronson; besides he really does not like what he sees of Lisa Kleisch's joyless technique--and when Tanner admits that he hates it at the new dojang, Ben is more determined than ever to prove that he can win with Mr. Ronson.

Paintball boss

Seventh grade is over, and Quentin, commander of his paintball team, is looking forward to the summer tournament, but he has a problem on his hands--he would like to replace Adam, the younger brother of Logan, but he does not want to upset his player, so he needs to come up with a better way to use Adam's particular skill set.


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