DeRubertis, Barbara

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Earth Day

The earth kids work together to protect the environment.

Patty Cat

Patty and her pal Hal are playing ball when Max the Rat steals the bat. But Patty has a plan!.

Penny Hen

Penny Hen is content to be Jenny's only pet hen. But when Jenny decides to buy two more hens, Penny has decisions to make!.

Lucky Duck

While running and jumping and having fun, Lucky runs out of luck when he lands in a muddy puddle!.

Foxy Fox

Foxy does not feel like hopping. He does ot feel like mopping or chopping. And, he is late for work!.

Zeely Zebra

Zeely Zebra is not big or strong or fast. How will she reach her dream of making the All Strr Racing Team?.

Foxy fox


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