Kato, Kazue

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Blue exorcist

Rin and his friends travel to Kyoto in search of a thief who has stolen a powerful artifact from the grounds of the True Cross Academy and taken a child hostage, but their awareness that Rin is the son of Satan threatens to drive a wedge between him and his classmates.
Cover image of Blue exorcist

Blue exorcist

Exorcist Rin Okumura continues to try to control his demonic powers as distrust swirls around the heads of the various Myodha temple families, and he receives a letter that reveals information about his past.

Blue exorcist #15

"The operation against Professor Gedoin's diabolical Dream Town Inari is just the opening round in the growing conflict between the Knights of the True Cross and the Illuminati. As both sides regroup and lay plans for the future, the Exwires try to come to terms with what has happened. Isumo has found some peace and a new sense of purpose, but serious questions about Renzo Shima's betrayal still need to be answered. It's not an easy thing for Ren and his friends to hear that they are just pawns in Mephisto's schemes, but the game is on!"--Back cover.

Blue exorcist

"Rin and his friends continue to investigate the Seven School Mysteries. Yukio watches as the Exwires take on the Academy's ghosts, troubled by lingering doubts about his own feelings. Rin seems to be learning to control his power more, but is tapping his inner demonic fire going to be his salvation or his doom?" --.
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