The Britannica Common Core Library

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What is nonfiction?

Fiction is made up and nonfiction is real: real events, actual people, true facts, and verifiable ideas. This book provides young readers with clear and engaging examples of nonfiction in action.

What is a technical text?

Students learn about the purposes and types of technical texts, and actually analyze sample texts. They review experiments, recipes, and crafts, and compare and contrast the examples.

What is a song?

This book teaches young readers about the many different kinds of songs around the world and throughout history.

What is a play?

After reading this engaging and informative book, young readers may well want to write and perform their own creative plays.

What is a legend?

Legends are riveting tales that are based on real events, but exaggerated so that they are not completely true. In this book, readers will learn the most important aspects of what defines a legend, as well as how to tell fact from fiction in these semi-historical tales..

What is a myth?

Every culture in human history has created its own myths to describe how the natural world works. These stories explain the cultural lessons, values, and religious beliefs of a specific group of people and within this book are some of the best-known myths are reproduced in a way that readers can grasp and interpret their meanings.

What is a poem?

Included in the Common Core standards, poetry was one of the earliest genres of literature and remains one of the most important today. Rhythm, word stress, and the other central elements of poetry are explained, as well as themes that are common in this sensory-based form of writing.
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