Roumanis, Alexis

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Dwarf planets

Introduces the five known dwarf planets, called Ceres, Pluto, Haumea, Makemake, and Eris.
Cover image of Dwarf planets

Las selvas tropicales

Describes the rainforest ecosystem as a place made up of animals and plants that need each other to live.

Am?erica del Sur

Describes South America's location, landforms, animals, plants, history, natural wonders, and people.

The sun

our nearest star
An illustrated introduction to the sun, covering first sightings, charting the solar system, the sun today, and more.


Introduces the planet Neptune, the planet that has the fastest winds in the solar system.


Introduces the planet Mercury, a planet that has no moon and may once have been Venus's moon.


Introduces the planet Jupiter, the largest planet in the in the solar system that is more than eleven times wider than Earth.

Las selvas tropicales

Simple text and photographs describe what rainforests are, where they are found, and what types of plants and animals live there. Includes online content that contains weblinks, audio and video clips, activities, and other features.

Los oceanos

Simple text and photographs describe what oceans are, where they are found, and what types of plants and animals live there. Includes online content that contains weblinks, audio and video clips, activities, and other features..

Las montanas

Describes what mountains are, where they are found, and what types of plants and animals live there. Includes online content that contains weblinks, audio and video clips, activities, and other features.


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