good and evil

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good and evil

Charlie Hern?ndez & the Golden Dooms

"A young calaca's appearance at school sends Charlie on a quest to investigate suspicious activity in Miami and learn the truth behind the Golden Dooms"--Provided by publisher.

Avatar, the last airbender

"When Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph return to Earthen Fire Industries-the factory owned by Toph's father-Aang is surprised when their arrival is met with a cold shoulder. As soon as the team is asked for help at a business council meeting, the reason for the slight becomes clear: a massive bender-versus-non-bender conflict has gripped the town and is threatening to turn violent. In order to heal the divide and save the town, Aang and the team will all face tough decisions about power and identity that could tear them apart". -- Publisher annotation.

Ultimate Comics Spider-Man

Miles Morales, the new Spider-Man, finds his life in chaos when the new Venom seeks his father.

The bad guys

The Bad Guys are scary and dangerous and well... just BAD. But these guys want to be heroes, and they're ready to spring into action. Get ready to laugh up your lunch with the baddest bunch of do-gooders in town! Watch the fur fly in the first five hilarious installments in this bestselling series, now in one bad-to-the-bone boxed set.

Spring into action!

When Luna Girl creates a giant moonflower to take over the city, it's up to the PJ Masks to spring into action and stop the plant from growing.

The amazing Spider-Man

"Ben Reilly--the clone of Spider-Man--is back! He's been through hell, but now with the support of a major corporation, Ben is thwipping once again and being the best Spider-Man he can be. And what does Peter think? Well, he's just been through the Sinister War and he's exhausted! But even if Peter is against Ben's return to the limelight, does he have a choice?"--Amazon.


"Saigami introduces the story of Ayumi, a trouble teenager who finds herself in a fantasy land where she has superhuman abilities"--Provided by publisher.

X-Men first class

Describes the young Magneto, Erik Magnus, and his efforts to build an army of mutants.

PJ Masks

"The PJ Masks are on a field trip when suddenly it gets dark in the middle of the day! They know the nighttime villains are up to something--it's up to the PJ Masks to save the day!"--Amazon.

The poison jungle

Sundew, and most of the other LeafWings are nursing a deep hatred for the HiveWings, who have ripped every tree from the surface of Pantala, except those in Poison Jungle where the surviving LeafWings have been hiding, waiting for a dragon clever and powerful enough to exact their revenge--and now they are searching for the jungle's oldest and darkest mystery, one that could destroy them all.


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