Lindgren, Barbro

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Sam's lamp

A toddler tries to reach a lamp he likes but instead falls down and hurts himself.

Sam's bath

A toddler tries to give his dog a bath in a tub which is already full of his possessions.

Sam's cookie

Illustrations and simple text tell a story about Sam and his disagreement with Doggie about Sam's cookie.

Benny's had enough!

Benny becomes tired of Mama messing with his things, wanting to clean them up, so he leaves home only to discover that home is not so bad.

Sam's car

Sam and Lisa fight over a car until Mother intervenes.

The wild baby

Baby Ben gets into one difficulty after another, from which Mama rescues him--but not for long.

Benny's had enough!

Benny becomes tired of Mama messing with his things, wanting to clean them up, so he leaves home only to discover that home is not so bad.

Julia wants a pet

Julia has a strong desire for a pet to push around in her buggy--and she is not very picky about choosing her passenger.

Benny and the binky

Benny loves his new brother, but he wishes he would stop screaming! So when Benny's mom gives the baby a binky to calm him down, Benny decides he wants one too, even though his mom says he's too old.


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