Heinemann first library

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Ciclo de vida de la rana

An introduction to the life cycle of a frog from the time it is a tiny egg laid in water until it is two years old.

Ciclo de vida de el pollo

Describes each stage in the growth of a chicken from egg to adulthood, and covers how hens care for their chicks.

Ciclo de vida de el frijol

An introduction to the life cycle of a bean from the time it is first planted until, four months later, it has grown as tall as an adult person.

Ciclo de vida de el conejillo de Indias

An introduction to the life cycle of a guinea pig from the time a tiny pup is born until, eight months later, it is fully grown and ready to start a family of its own.

Sound and hearing

Photographs and simple text teach children what sound is, how people talk, and how sound travels.

Living and nonliving

Explains the difference between things that are living and non-living, looking at the needs, abilities, and characteristics of each.

Forces and motion

Photographs and simple text teach children how people move, what friction is, and how bicycle brakes work.

Hiding in deserts

Reveals how various animals use elements of camouflage to blend into a desert environment. Outlines the techniques that animals without camouflage use to survive in deserts and includes full-color photographs, a glossary, and further reading sources.


Describes careers as a historian, covering museum curator, conservator, costume designer, tour guide, and more.

What's the Supreme Court?

Describes the United States Supreme Court, how judges are selected, and how Supreme Court decisions impact our country. Also discusses the types of cases which are presented before the court.


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