alligator attacks

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alligator attacks

Escape from the everglades

a highwater novel
After Parker Buckman is mauled and nearly killed by an alligator, he sees the Everglades as a place of death. Even though he's a park ranger's son, he's convinced he won't be truly okay until he can leave the glades. When his friend Maria goes missing, Parker knows he can't leave until he finds her-- or proof that she's dead. When his search brings him face-to-face with a rogue monster gator, will be find the strength to face his fears?.

Alligators Are Not Pets!

Introduces alligators, describing their physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, discussing why these animals are unsuitable as pets, and state laws pertaining to owning and feeding them.

Killer gators and crocs

gruesome encounters from across the globe
Describes alligator and crocodile attacks in various countries, including the United States, China, Africa, and others, recreating the events and discussing why they happened.

Croc and gator attacks

Discusses the history of crocodile and alligator attacks on humans and the reasons for the attacks, including species endangerment, loss of habitat, and dangers of captivity.

Fearsome alligators

Introduces alligators and why they sometimes attack humans, and tells of some real-life alligator attacks.
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