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Payback on Poplar Lane

A friendly neighborhood business competition between sixth-graders Rachel Chambers, so quiet she is practically invisible, and Peter S. Gronkowski, future mogul, turns into a ruthless rivalry.

Last lemonade standing

"The girls want tickets to see pop singer Katy Sloan play at the River Heights Amusement Park but their parents say they've already filled their summer theme park quota. So the girls decide to turn lemons into lemonade by earning their own tickets with a lemonade stand! Unfortunately Lily Ramos, a new girl in River Heights, has the same idea. She's the niece of the owner of the town's newest and hottest cafe, and her stand is equipped with cafe tables, gourmet treats, and a rolling library cart! Good thing Nancy has a secret weapon: Hannah's family lemonade recipe! The girls are all set to whip up the lemonade until the recipe is replaced by a blank sheet of paper! Nancy, Bess, and George set out to find the thief!"--Provided by publisher.
Cover image of Last lemonade standing

Angie Bastian

Boomchickapop boss
Discusses the childhood and early life of Angie Bastian and traces the development of her popcorn business, Boomchickapop.
Cover image of Angie Bastian

Marie Callender

homemade pie maven
Discusses the childhood and early life of Marie Callender and traces the development of her pie business.
Cover image of Marie Callender

Peggy Cherng

Panda Express empress
Discusses the childhood and early life of Peggy Cherng and traces the development of her Chinese restaurant chain, Panda Express.
Cover image of Peggy Cherng

Ruth Fertel

Ruth's Chris Steak House creator
Discusses the childhood and early life of Ruth Fertel and traces the development of her business, Ruth's Chris Steakhouse.
Cover image of Ruth Fertel

Debbi Fields

Mrs. Fields founder
Discusses the childhood and early life of Debbi Fields and traces the development of her cookie business, Mrs. Fields.
Cover image of Debbi Fields

Rose Totino

pizza entrepreneur
Discusses the childhood and early life of Rose Totino and traces the development of her frozen pizza business.
Cover image of Rose Totino

The revenge of analog

real things and why they matter
Discusses the popularity and importance of real, analog goods and ideas in the digital age, and reveals a deep truth about how humans shop, interact, and think.
Cover image of The revenge of analog

The 10% entrepreneur

live your startup dream without quitting your day job
"What if there was a way to combine the stability of a day job with the excitment of a startup? All of the benefits of entrepreneurship with none of the pitfalls? In the '10% Entrepreneur,' Patrick McGinnis show you how, by investing just 10% of your time and resources, you can become an entrepreneur without losing a steady paycheck"--Jacket flap.
Cover image of The 10% entrepreneur


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