individual differences in children

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individual differences in children

All kinds of kids

[A] . . . story about not only recognizing differences amongst one another but learning to embrace them . . . teaches kindness, inclusivity, and acceptance to children around the world. Whether people practice different religions or come from different types of families, this book will be sure to help children realize that perhaps it is these differences that make the world the special place they see today" --Publisher.
Cover image of All kinds of kids

I'm like you, you're like me

a book about understanding and appreciating each other = Yo soy como t?, t? eres como yo : un libro para entendernos y apreciarnos / Cindy Gainer ; ilustrado por Miki Sakamoto ; translation by Edgar Rojas, EDITARO
Introduces children to the differences and similarities in people, from hair styles, body appearance, and family size.

Mindful learning

101 proven strategies for student and teacher success
Presents over one hundred research and instructional strategies that have proven to be successful in the classroom, designed to meet the needs of students with diverse aptitudes and interests.

Child of glass

"Gisele, a fragile, strong, transparent girl, . . . denounces the meanness that can mark life in the world"--Provided by publisher.

A mind at a time

Shows parents how to identify their children's strengths and weaknesses to determine their individual learning styles and help them succeed in school. Discusses eight fundamental systems of learning.
Cover image of A mind at a time

I'm like you, you're like me

a book about understanding and appreciating each other
Introduces children to the differences and similarities in people, from hair styles, body appearance, and family size.
Cover image of I'm like you, you're like me


Luisa tries to change her look and the way she acts when tough girl Sam keeps calling her weird, but the bullying doesn't stop. Then Luisa decides she doesn't care what Sam thinks.

Middle me

a growing-up story of the middle child
This is a Growing-Up story of the Middle Child. The first-born might feel pushed aside when a sibling is born. But being oldest has its perks. The youngest child may feel left out of activities. But everyone loves the baby in the family. Being the middle child is unique and comes with experiences only a middle child knows.

When I'm feeling lonely

Lots of things can make you feel lonely. It's not a nice feeling, but just remember that everyone feels that way sometimes!.


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