child development

Topical Term
child development


birth to 3 : your child's emotional and behavioral development

Prenatal exposure to drugs

characteristics and educational implications of fetal alcohol syndrome and cocaine/polydrug effects

Growing up in a lesbian family

effects on child development
Presents the results of a study of twenty-five children raised in lesbian mother families and a comparison group raised by single heterosexual mothers, focusing on interviews with grown-up children who were born to heterosexual partnerships but whose mothers later entered lesbian relationships.

Caring for your baby and young child

birth to age 5
Provides advice for parents of children ages five and under, discussing how to prepare for a new baby, childbirth, basic care, feeding, growth and development, behavior and safety issues, and other topics; and features an encyclopedic guide to recognizing and solving health problems.

What's going on in there?

how the brain and mind develop in the first five years of life
Charts the development of the human brain from conception through the first five years, looking at the way a child's brain is assembled and the implications of this sequence for each emerging mental skill, including sensation, emotion, language, movement, memory, and intelligence.

The world of the autistic child

understanding and treating autistic spectrum disorders
Presents guidance for parents of autistic children on understanding an autism diagnosis and deciding on the best course of action for treating and caring for a child with autism or PDD (pervasive developmental disorder).

The challenge of toddlers

for teen parents : parenting your child from one to three
Describes for teenage parents the development and special needs of children from one to three and offers advice and comments from many young parents themselves.

Complete guide to baby & child care

A comprehensive guide to the care of infants and children from prebirth through adolescence that discusses social, emotional, and physical development as well as a variety of special concerns, such as premature babies, discipline, sexual identity, bullying, and drug and alcohol use.


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