Writers and their times

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Ray Bradbury and the Cold War

Discusses the influences of the Cold War on the writings of Ray Bradbury.

Harriet Beecher Stowe and the abolitionist movement

Examines the major works of Harriet Beecher Stowe, with a primary focus on the abolitionist movement and how it affected her writing, focusing on "Uncle Tom's Cabin".

John Steinbeck and the Great Depression

Examines the major works of John Steinbeck, with a primary focus on the Great Depression and the plight of the farmers.

Willa Cather and Westward Expansion

Explores the life and times of Willa Cather, who lived during the great migration across western America and whose works influenced a region.

F. Scott Fitzgerald and the Jazz Age

Examines the major works of F. Scott Fitzgerald, with a primary focus on the 1920s and how it affected his writing.

Ernest Hemingway and World War I

Examines the major works of Ernest Hemingway, with a primary focus on World War I and how it affected his writing.
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