
Topical Term

Sisters of the sword

Two aristocratic sisters in ancient Japan disguise themselves as samurai warriors to take revenge on the uncle who betrayed their family.
Cover image of Sisters of the sword

Village of the vampire cat

In feudal Japan a young ronin (unemployed samurai) visits the village of his former teacher where he and his companion find it being terrorized by both bandits and a mysterious murderer.
Cover image of Village of the vampire cat


Japan's noble servant-warriors
Contains several tales of prominent samurai warriors from history and describes the training, weapons, armor, and battle tactics used by them. Written in graphic-novel format.
Cover image of Samurai

Las aventuras de Katana en Super Hero High

"In addition to training to be a super hero, Katana also follows the noble warrior traditions of the Samurai. Now an unknown source has given her the responsibility of guarding a hundred ancient Samurai swords--but why her, and for what purpose? With the help of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Ms. Martian, and some of her other super friends, she intends to find out"--.
Cover image of Las aventuras de Katana en Super Hero High

Katana at Super Hero High

"In addition to training to be a super hero, Katana also follows the noble warrior traditions of the Samurai. Now an unknown source has given her the responsibility of guarding a hundred ancient Samurai swords--but why her, and for what purpose? With the help of Wonder Woman, Supergirl, Ms. Martian, and some of her other super friends, she intends to find out"--.
Cover image of Katana at Super Hero High

Samurai rising

the epic life of Minamoto Yoshitsune
Chronicles the life and career of samurai Minamoto Yoshitsune, discussing his exile as a child, running away as a teenager, becoming a military genius and more.
Cover image of Samurai rising

Smoke in the sun

"Mariko must uncover deception in the imperial court and rescue Okami, while preparing for her nuptials"--.
Cover image of Smoke in the sun

Brody's ghost

collected edition
"After losing his job, his girlfriend, and his home, Brody learns that things can get even worse when he begins seeing a ghostly teenage girl watching him in the street. What he hopes is a hallucination proves all too real when the ghost tells him she needs his help hunting down a dangerous killer and that he must undergo training from the spirit of a centuries-old samurai to unlock his hidden powers"--Back cover.
Cover image of Brody's ghost

Tools of combat

Learn about some of the deadliest weapons of the ancient world and the warriors who wielded them.

How to live like a samurai warrior

Text and illustrations look at a samurai, focusing on life in a castle, the code they live by, arms and armor, training, and more.


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