lesbian mothers

Topical Term
lesbian mothers

Heather has two mommies

When Heather goes to playgroup, at first she feels bad because she has two mothers and no father, but then she learns that there are lots of different kinds of families and the most important thing is that all the people love each other.

Family values

two moms and their son

Growing up in a lesbian family

effects on child development
Presents the results of a study of twenty-five children raised in lesbian mother families and a comparison group raised by single heterosexual mothers, focusing on interviews with grown-up children who were born to heterosexual partnerships but whose mothers later entered lesbian relationships.

My two moms

lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family
An advocate and son of same-gender parents recounts his famed address to the Iowa House of Representatives on civil unions, and describes his positive experiences of growing up in an alternative family in spite of prejudice.

My two moms

lessons of love, strength, and what makes a family
An advocate and son of same-gender parents recounts his famed address to the Iowa House of Representatives on civil unions, and describes his positive experiences of growing up in an alternative family in spite of prejudice.

Out of the ordinary

essays on growing up with gay, lesbian, and transgender parents
Presents twenty-one essays on the various psychological and social aspects of growing up with parents who are gay, lesbian, or transgender.

The different dragon

A young boy, who has two mothers, helps one of his moms create a bedtime story in which he helps a dragon cope with his differences.

Donovan's big day

From the moment Donovan wakes in the morning, he painstakingly prepares for his special role in the wedding ceremony of his two mothers.

Zack's story

growing up with same-sex parents
An eleven-year-old boy describes life as part of a family made up of himself, his mother and her lesbian partner.

The daddy machine

Two children who have two mothers dream of what it would be like to have a father and pretend to invent a daddy machine.


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