Bernier-Grand, Carmen T

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We laugh alike =

Juntos nos re?mos : a story that's part Spanish, part English, and a whole lot of fun
"Six children are at the park, one group speaks only English and the other only Spanish, but soon they learn to communicate through playing, dancing, and singing. The English and Spanish words in this story aren't directly translated"--Provided by publisher.


viva la vida! = long live life!
Contains biographical poems about artist Frida Kahlo accompanied by images of her artwork. The text and images portray significant events in Kahlo's life including her two marriages to muralist Diego Rivera and the suffering she endured after being crippled in a bus accident.
Cover image of Frida

Sonia Sotomayor

Jueza de la corte Suprema
Describes the life, career, and accomplishments of the first Puerto Rican and third female Supreme Court justice.

Juan Bobo

four folktales from Puerto Rico
A collection of four folktales about Juan Bobo and his mother in which the boy learns about work and manners.


bigger than life
The life and work of the artist Diego Rivera is told through chronological poems that capture salient points in his life.


s?i, se puede! = Yes, we can!
Tells the life story of C?esar Ch?avez, whose efforts as a labor leader in the mid-twentieth century brought better working conditions to migrant farmworkers in the U.S.


s?, se puede! = yes, we can!
Contains a collection of poetry that discusses the life, work, and values of activist Cesar Chavez.

Pablo Picasso

I the king = yo el rey
A collection of poems that chronicle the life of Spanish artist Pablo Picasso.

Poet and Politician of Puerto Rico: Don Luis Munoz Marin

Jose Luis Munoz Marin, as a young man, moved between different worlds--poetry and politics, New York and Puerto Rico. Unsure of his true calling, he knew that he wasn't satisfied with the world the way it was. He eventually founded his own party and became the first governor of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.


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