second language acquisition

Topical Term
second language acquisition

Mango, Abuela y yo

Mia's grandmother moves in with her family. Mia doesn't speak Spanish, and Abuela doesn't speak English, but a parrot named Mango may be able to help.

Dual language instruction

a handbook for enriched education

Between worlds

access to second language acquisition
Describes how to expand learning potential of English as asecond language to students by examining how the world inside the school interacts with outside social contexts.


principles for success
Presents principles for teachers in ESL and EFL (English as a second or a foreign language) settings, covering such facets as contexts and orientations, learner-centered lessons, immediate meaning and purpose, social interaction, the four modes, first languages and cultures, and faith in the learner.

101 word games for students of English as a second or foreign language

Contains 101 word games that help build literacy skills for adults, young adults, and those learning English as a second language, and includes appendixes of games for homework, children, and varying language levels.

Working with second language learners

answers to teachers' top ten questions
The author, a staff development consultant, provides in-depth answers to the top ten questions asked by teachers working with second language learners, discussing ways to assess a student's English, make spoken language more understandable, teach grade-level content to English beginners, and other topics.

Restructuring schools for linguistic diversity

linking decision making to effective programs

Scaffolding language, scaffolding learning

teaching second language learners in the mainstream classroom
Explains how to teach English as a second language within the regular curriculum, showing how to incorporate reading and writing into content areas, scaffolding language- and content-learning.

Meeting the needs of second language learners

an educator's guide
Challenges common beliefs about bilingual education and discusses factors in the education of young second language learners, covering demographics, political and legal issues, teacher qualifications, language instruction theories, and teaching methods and programs.


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