McKenna, Colleen O'Shaughnessy

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Mother Murphy

When Mrs. Murphy has to get off her feet because she's expecting a baby, Collette takes over with surprising results.

Third grade wedding bells?

Third grade is a big disappointment for Gordie who dreads having to kiss Lucy in the class play and despairs that his favorite teacher, Miss Tingle, may be getting married and leaving the school.

Camp Murphy

When Collette and two sixth-grade classmates try to run a neighborhood day camp, they face a series of problems, including arguments over who is in charge and the disappearance of Collette's brother.

Murphy's Island

Collette Murphy has to go with her large, often trying family to a small island and start sixth grade there as the new girl in school.

The brightest light

A young West Virginia girl becomes involved in the problems of the family for whom she babysits.

The truth about sixth grade

Collette finds herself unexpectedly popular when her fellow students find out her family knows the world's most gorgeous teacher personally.

Merry Christmas, Miss McConnell!

A fifth grade girl with a tough new teacher and problems at home expects a terrible Christmas, only to have it turn out to be one of the best.

Fourth grade is a jinx

When fourth grader Collette sees her own mother take over the job of teaching her class, life becomes more embarrassing and chaotic than she can stand.

Third grade stinks!

Gordie loves his third grade teacher, but sharing a locker with a girl instead of his best friend and trouble with a school bully may ruin his best year ever.

Third grade ghouls

Third grader Gordie worries about coming up with a scary costume for the school Halloween parade and about having to take care of a timid younger boy.


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