Holmes, Kathryn

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The distance between lost and found

Sophomore Hallie Calhoun, her former friend Jonah, and new friend Rachel leave a church youth group hike in the Great Smoky Mountains and become lost for five days, struggling to survive as Hallie finally speaks about the incident that made her a social pariah and Jonah admits why it hurt him so much.

The distance between lost and found

Sophomore Hallie Calhoun, her former friend Jonah, and new friend Rachel leave a church youth group hike in the Great Smoky Mountains and become lost for five days, struggling to survive as Hallie finally speaks about the incident that made her a social pariah and Jonah admits why it hurt him so much.

How it feels to fly

When crippling anxiety hinders her progress as a dancer, Samantha is sent to a summer treatment camp for teen artists and athletes struggling with obstacles, but she cannot cope when asked to open up about her deepest insecurities.
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